Nerf Deidara Translations

Under Ninja - Chapter 126

Chapter 126: "This Is My Shinobi Life Plan"

Another interesting chapter from Hanazawa-sensei.

You can read the chapter on MangaDex using the link below.

Check out below the credit page for group comments, which will contain spoilers for the chapter.


Yo, @grimdotmp4 here. No translation comments this week.

The chapter continues where we left off last chapter, with Alexei hiding below the railing to avoid the attacks from the weird extending-katana robot arms. The constant linear attacking of the arms leads Alexei to believe they might be automatic/remote-controlled and leads to the reveal that Tazaki isn't currently inside his cloak. The mechanical exoskeleton inside the cloak looks like it attaches around the spine, so I guess that's what Tazaki is constantly wearing under it.

The scene cuts to Jonin Shimada and Kotoge still inside the apartment. Kotoge really had her shinobi life planned out, huh? Shimada seems pretty open to holding grudges against just about anyone. Makes me wonder why he didn't want to kill Kato with his own fingers.

Shimada jabs her in the eye through her glasses (which apparently had no lenses) and twists his finger. How extra. It looks like he went for the same eye as Onikobe did against Ranran.

What happens next is very interesting. Shimada leans in and tells her to seal off her Marishiten and activate the suit's internal life support, then pushes her out of the room. Could he be prolonging her suffering or giving her a chance to get out of this situation? Only time will tell...

Shimada turns away and we get to see Tazaki wearing a Marishiten-esque combat suit with a hood. Always super cool to see new UN tech.

We see Tazaki instantly counter every attack that Shimada throws at him, resulting in three of his limbs being chopped off in quick succession. He proceeds to crack open his molars and lunge at Tazaki for a bite (reminds me of Jack Hanma), resulting in Tazaki slicing off his upper head. From the looks of it, Shimada did way worse against Tazaki than Kuro did against Yamada. Shimada's last words seem to tie back to what he said about the poisoning operations done on him by Ranran's grandfather.

In the last page, we get a panel of some sort of gas being shot out of the spaces in the center of Shimada's molars. It seems like that was his last resort, and why he told Kotoge to seal her Marishiten off from external air. I don't know if it'll be effective against Tazaki in any way, but I guess we'll have to see.

Another slightly shorter chapter than normal, along with one spread. Lots of action this time around.

Words of Wisdom:
"i drive foward"

The next chapter releases in Japan on Friday, September 13th.
Our version should release on either the same day or the next day.